7-Day Money Back Guarantee
If, for any reason, you're not 100% satisfied with the course, you can cancel your account within 7 days of the purchase date and receive a full refund. No questions asked, and no cancellation fee or processing fee will be charged.
Refund procedure
To receive a refund, simply email us, and we'll refund your payment. To help us locate your account information, please contact us from the email address associated with your GMAT Prep Now account, and note the date you purchased the course. Refunds will be made to the credit card or PayPal account that was used to make the purchase.
NOTE: If you purchase one of the plans using a non-US credit card and request a refund, some credit card companies may keep the foreign currency transaction fee.
Refund restrictions
The 7-Day Money Back Guarantee may be used only once per person.
Can I binge watch all of the videos in a week and then ask for my money back?
You certainly wouldn't be the first person to do that! However, the purpose of the 7-day guarantee is to give you the opportunity to try the course risk-free.
70-Point Increase Guarantee
We guarantee that, after completing this course, your total score will be at least 70 points greater than any previous official scores. If not, we'll refund your purchase.
Refund procedure
Email your "before" and "after" official score reports to info@gmatprepnow.com, and we'll refund your payment via PayPal. It's that simple. No fine print. No exceptions.
NOTE: If you purchase one of the plans using a non-US credit card and request a refund, some credit card companies may keep the foreign currency transaction fee.