GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment

In this module, you'll learn how to write strong essays.


  • 1. Lesson: Introduction to the AWA Section (3:10)
  • 2. Lesson: Introduction to the Argument Essay (2:27)
  • 3. Lesson: Generating Points for the Argument Essay (9:29)
  • 4. Lesson: Writing the AWA Argument Essay (5:13)
  • 5. Lesson: General Tips for the AWA Section (3:06)
Total viewing time for the GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment module: 23 minutes.

AWA Feedback

If you'd like some feedback on your AWA essays, submit them to Beat The GMAT's AWA discussion forum.

Study Guide

The step-by-step Study Guide will help direct your studies and ensure that you cover everything that the GMAT tests.

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