Lesson: Strengthen the Argument Questions

Comment on Strengthen the Argument Questions

Hi Brent. Good Afternoon.
In 'Reinforcement Activities' question - https://gmatclub.com/forum/the-maxilux-car-company-s-design-for-its-new-luxury-model-the-max-136971.html,
I am confused between option 'B' & 'D'. Can you please explain how 'B' doesn't fit in as a solution?
gmat-admin's picture

Question link: https://gmatclub.com/forum/the-maxilux-car-company-s-design-for-its-new-...

The conclusion is that, even though Rubco's bid only covers the cost of the tires, executives say they'll still make a profit.

(B) Rubco holds exclusive contracts to supply Maxilux with the tires for a number of other models made by Maxilux.
This isn't a bad answer. The problem is that it doesn't address the fact that Rubco's bid only covers the cost of the tires.
If the company isn't going to make any money on the tires, why not just withdraw the bid, and to make money on the other contracts Rubco has?

(D) When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and type.
In this case, Rubco will still make money (indirectly) by having their tires on these vehicles.
So this particular contract and still be profitable for Rubco.

Does that help?

Hi Brent. Good Evening.
In 'Reinforcement Activities' question - https://gmatclub.com/forum/the-eurasian-ruffe-a-fish-species-inadvertently-introduced-into-north-127266.html,
I am confused between option 'B' & 'C'. Can you please explain how 'B' doesn't fit in as a solution?
gmat-admin's picture

Question link: https://gmatclub.com/forum/the-eurasian-ruffe-a-fish-species-inadvertent...

The question stem asks "Which of the following, if true, would provide most support for the prediction that the agencies’ action will have its intended effect?"
The intended effect is described in the passage here: "To help TRACK THE RUFFE'S SPREAD, government agencies have..."

So the implied conclusion is: Distributing the wallet-sized cards will help track the ruffe’s spread
We're looking for an answer choice that strengthens this conclusion.

(B) Ruffe generally feed at night, but most recreational fishing on the Great Lakes is done during daytime hours.
If anything, this answer choice weakens the conclusion that the wallet-sized cards will help track the ruffe’s spread.
After all, if the whole plan depends on recreational fishers reporting any ruffe they catch, it will be hard to track the ruffe’s spread if nobody catches any ruffe (since ruffe feed at night, when no one is fishing).

(C) Most people who fish recreationally on the Great Lakes are interested in the preservation of the lake whitefish because it is a highly prized game fish.
As you might imagine, the wallet-sized cards won't be effective if the recreational fishers don't participate.
Answer choice C suggests that recreational fishers will want to participate in order to preserve the white fish.
As such, C strengthens the conclusion.

Hi Brent,
Can you please help me understand this question:

Hi Brent. I think that in a lot of videos you tried to remind us over and over that critical reasoning was about the conclusion and that that's what we should think about when choosing an answer. However, it gets confusing sometimes when the question is along the lines of <<Which of the following weaken the REASONING>>. When I see reasoning it makes me think that they want to me direct my attention to the premises and not the conclusion. Do you confirm that the conclusion should remain my focus even when dealing with questions like that?

Thank you
gmat-admin's picture

I place a big emphasis on identifying the conclusion because our goal is to find the answer choice that best strengthens the conclusion. So, if we haven't properly identified the conclusion, it's very difficult to determine what answer choice strengthens the conclusion.

This, however, doesn't mean the conclusion is the only thing that matters; the premises are also important. In fact, a common way to strengthen an argument is to support (or elaborate on) an existing premise.

Hi Brent. My question was about all types of questions not only the strengthen type questions. Whether the question asks us to weaken or strengthen sometimes the use of the word reasoning makes me look at the reasoning as in the argument that led to the conclusion. Do you see what I mean?
So I end up looking for the answer that weakens/strengthens.. the reasoning and not the conclusion per se. Is that bad?
gmat-admin's picture

"weakening the reasoning" is the same as " weakening of the argument," which is the same as "weakening the conclusion."

It's important to remember that the strength argument depends on how well the conclusion logically follows from the premises.
So, the premises also play a role in any argument.
However, if we lose track of the conclusion (e.g., we summarize the conclusion incorrectly), then it's difficult to determine the strength of the argument.

So, with most Critical Reasoning questions, the conclusion is the most important aspect of the argument, but the premises also play a significant role.

Hi Brent. I think that in a lot of videos you tried to remind us over and over that critical reasoning was about the conclusion and that that's what we should think about when choosing an answer. However, it gets confusing sometimes when the question is along the lines of <<Which of the following weaken the REASONING>>. When I see reasoning it makes me think that they want to me direct my attention to the premises and not the conclusion. Do you confirm that the conclusion should remain my focus even when dealing with questions like that?

Thank you
gmat-admin's picture

As I mentioned in my comment above, conclusions and premises both play significant roles in analyzing any argument. However, for the most part, understanding the conclusion of an argument is imperative.


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