Free Content

Regardless of whether you choose to study with us, we believe you'll benefit from the following free GMAT prep resources.

Free GMAT Prep Study Guide

Prepare for free with our step-by-step study guide, which includes 80+ video lessons:

Free Video Modules

Within each of the 16 learning modules (Geometry, Statistics, Critical Reasoning, etc.) that comprise the course, you'll find plenty of free videos to help you make an informed purchase. We also have 4 modules in which all of the videos are free. They are as follows:

"GMAT Question of the Day" emails

Sign up to receive daily emails with a variety of GMAT practice questions. Each email is jam-packed with free video lessons, insightful articles and useful GMAT strategies to help you improve your score!


To help you prepare for test day, we created the following sets of downloadable flashcards (in pdf format):  

  • GMAT Math Flashcards from GMAT Prep Now.pdf  - 162 flashcards covering every formula, concept and strategy needed for the quantitative section of the GMAT. Each flashcard is linked to a corresponding video lesson from the course.
  • Interactive Sentence Correction Flashcards - 49 flashcards covering all of the concepts and strategies needed to answer any GMAT Sentence Correction question. Each flashcard is linked to a video lesson from the course.
  • Interactive Critical Reasoning Flashcards - 72 flashcards covering all of the concepts and strategies needed to answer any GMAT Critical Reasoning question. Each flashcard is linked to a video lesson from the course.


Check out our many articles about various aspects of GMAT prep.

Test Day Mindset

As part of your preparation, work on adopting the proper mindset/attitude on test day. This will do wonders for your score. 

Free “Question of the Day” emails!