Question: Foreign Oil Dependency

Comment on Foreign Oil Dependency

I could not find the matching video, but haven't you said that the form of the words separated by a comma must be the same? "I like runnING, swimmING and bikING"
So, why is "agriculture" correct?
gmat-admin's picture

The important concept here is that mining, manufacturing and agriculture are all nouns. In fact, they are 3 types of industries.

So, we have "By limiting the growth of energy-intensive industries such as NOUN, NOUN and NOUN, and by...."

Okay thank you!

I am confused between ans. choice B and E- I did identified both mistakes i.e. use of "and" and parallelism but I think even B is parallel because we don't need to repeat by i.e. By limiting the growth ...and encouraging people is also parallel...please explain how its wrong. Why do we need to repeat "by"
gmat-admin's picture

We have two separate lists.

List 1: By limiting AND by encouraging

List #2: ...such as mining, manufacturing, agriculture

The problem is that list #2 separates the second half of list #1 in such a way that, for clarity sake, we need the second "by" to indicate that we're switching back to list #1.

This is further necessitated by the fact that 2 of the 3 items in list #2 are gerunds (nouns ending in ing) so that it's hard to see that "encouraging isn't part of list #2.

Here's an analogous sentence:

By participating in physical activities such as skiing, running and skating, and eating healthy foods, Marge is certain to live to be 100 years old.

Notice how easy it is to inadvertently add "eating" to the list of physical activities. If we add "by," the sentence is clearer: By participating in physical activities such as skiing, running and skating, and BY eating healthy foods, Marge is certain to live to be 100 years old.

Here's a similar question from the Official Guide:

Brent, I followed the same logic as the original poster. If there were not two lists would it be acceptable to forgo the second "by"? Are there any other circumstances that would necessitate the second "by"?
gmat-admin's picture

Since we have the conjunction AND between the two listed activities (LIMITING things and ENCOURAGING people), we need both activities to have the same structure to maintain parallelism. (i.e., BY LIMITING things AND BY ENCOURAGING people, Maltania can....)

The exception to this rule is the use of infinitives (e.g., Joe likes TO run, jump and play)
More on this here:


Thanks a lot !

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