Watch a video overview of the GMAT.

The Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is a computer-adaptive test (CAT) required for admission to many MBA programs.

The test consists of four sections:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section
  • Integrated Reasoning section
  • Quantitative (math) section
  • Verbal section 

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) (one essay, 30 minutes)

In the AWA section, you must write an essay called Analysis of an Argument. In this essay, you must analyze the reasoning behind a given argument and write a critique.

For more information about the Analytical Writing Assessment Section, visit the official GMAT website.      

Integrated Reasoning (IR) Section (12 questions, 30 minutes)

This section tests your ability to analyze information from multiple sources (tables, graphs, text, and so on). There are four question types:

  • Table Analysis: Use and manipulate data from a table to answer a series of “True/False” questions.
  • Graphics Interpretation: Use information from a graph, chart or some other source of visual information to complete a series of statements.
  • Multi-Source Reasoning: Use data from several tabbed pages (which may include text, tables or graphics) to answer a series of “Yes/No” questions.
  • Two-Part Analysis: Use a single set of data to answers two questions that may or may not be related.

Note: In the Integrated Reasoning section, you will have access to an onscreen calculator. This calculator is not available for any other sections of the test. 

For more information about the Integrated Reasoning section, visit the official GMAT website.

Quantitative Section (31 questions, 62 minutes)

The Quantitative (math) section features two question types:

  • Problem Solving questions present a mathematical problem and five answer choices.
  • Data Sufficiency questions pose a question followed by two numbered statements.  You must examine the statements and determine whether they provide enough information to answer the question.

For more information about the Quantitative Section, visit the official GMAT website.     

Verbal Section (36 questions, 65 minutes)

The Verbal section features three question types:

  • Sentence Correction questions present a sentence containing an underlined portion.  You must determine whether the underlined portion contains any grammatical or stylistic errors; if it does, you must select the answer choice that best corrects the sentence.
  • Critical Reasoning questions present a short, logical argument followed by a question stem.  You must perform some sort of analysis on the argument.
  • Reading Comprehension questions present a reading passage with up to 350 words.  The question may ask you to summarize the author's main point, strengthen or weaken an argument made in the passage, or identify what must be true based on the facts presented.

For more information about the Verbal Section, visit the official GMAT website.    

Choose the Ordering of the Sections

Regardless of whether you take the GMAT at home or at a test center, you have 3 options regarding the order in which you complete the sections of the GMAT:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, Verbal (original order)
  • Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment

Go here for more information about ordering your sections on test day.  

GMAT Scores

Once you complete the test, you will receive five scores:

  • Verbal Scaled Score: 0 to 60
  • Quantitative Scaled Score: 0 to 60
  • Total Scaled Score: 200 to 800
  • Analytical Writing Assessment: 0 to 6
  • Integrated Reasoning: 1 to 8

For more information about the scores, visit the official GMAT website.

Experimental Questions

The Verbal, Quantitative and Integrated Reasoning sections contain unidentified experimental questions for use in future tests.  Although you must answer these questions, they do not affect your score.

Useful links on the official GMAT website (

You may find the official GMAT website difficult to navigate.  Here are some direct links to important pages: 




Practice Wisely

While solving GMAT quant questions, always remember that your one goal is to identify the correct answer as efficiently as possible, and not to please your former math teachers. 

Study Guide

The step-by-step Study Guide will help direct your studies and ensure that you cover everything that the GMAT tests.

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