GMAT Counting

In this module, you'll learn all of the concepts, techniques and strategies needed to answer counting questions on the GMAT. In particular, this module covers:

  • The Fundamental Counting Principle
  • Factorial notation
  • Handling restrictions
  • “At least” & “at most” questions
  • The MISSISSIPPI rule
  • Combination questions
  • Permutation-type questions



  • 1. Lesson: Listing and Counting (3:53)
  • 2. Question: Distributing Coins (2:19)
  • 3. Lesson: The Fundamental Counting Principle (4:48)
  • 4. Lesson: Fundamental Counting Principle Example (2:58)
  • 5. Lesson: GMAT Counting Strategies - Part I (0:56)
  • 6. Question: 3-Digit Odd Numbers (1:55)
  • 7. Question: Test Answers (1:49)
  • 8. Lesson: Factorial Notation (3:22)
  • 9. Question: Math with Factorials (0:31)
  • 10. Question: Books on a Shelf (2:29)
  • 11. Lesson: Handling Restrictions (5:12)
  • 12. Question: Numbers with at Least One 7 (4:12)
  • 13. Lesson: MISSISSIPPI Rule (3:10)
  • 14. Question: Number of Routes (2:15)
  • 15. Lesson: Introduction to Combinations (4:31)
  • 16. Lesson: When to use Combinations (8:15)
  • 17. Lesson: Calculating Combinations (4:46)
  • 18. Question: Committee of 4 people (2:26)
  • 19. Lesson: GMAT Counting Strategies - Part II (1:50)
  • 20. Question: Arranging Buttons (1:17)
  • 21. Question: Evening Out (1:02)
  • 22. Question: Bicycle with Optional Features (3:43)
  • 23. Question: 2 Men and 2 Women (2:44)
  • 24. Question: 2 Repeated Digits (3:11)
  • 25. Question: Committees without R&S (3:30)
  • 26. Question: Product Codes (4:08)
  • 27. Question: Value of R (2:45)
Total viewing time for the GMAT Counting module: 84 minutes.

Study Guide

The step-by-step Study Guide will help direct your studies and ensure that you cover everything that the GMAT tests.

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